Creating an app so distinctive that no other milkman can replicate it, featuring an award-winning built-in cow scanner.
Encapsulating the distinctiveness of ElkeMelk.
An app that stands unparalleled in the dairy farming industry must be unique, distinctive, and authentic. ElkeMelk's exceptional approach – each cow producing its own distinct milk, pasteurized and bottled within 10 minutes of milking – is a testament to this. With over 110 cows, tracking which milk you've tasted becomes a challenge. The key is to digitally encapsulate this unique experience, giving it significance and accessibility in the digital realm.
Technology designed to connect and restore.
An app leveraging artificial intelligence to identify the exact cow associated with each ElkeMelk bottle represents a unique, brand-specific innovation that can't be replicated. This app has evolved into a community platform, fostering direct engagement with milk enthusiasts. It's impressive to see that the brand's community has actively participated, leaving over 2,000 cow-specific reviews. The achievement of ElkeMelk winning the World Dairy Innovation Award 2023, partly attributed to the integration of this app into its concept, is a source of immense pride.
Online platform that generates added value for readers, partners, and KAS.
Bij RosaPlaza draaide het bedrijf jarenlang op intuïtie. De passie en het gevoel voor de markt waren de drijvende krachten achter de beslissingen, maar er werd steeds vaker de behoefte gevoeld aan meer houvast in de vorm van data. Daar lag de verbinding voor een lange termijn samenwerking.
Visueel aantrekkelijk en uniek, dankzij Webflow-techniek en snelle navigatie, met speciale features en Mailerlite-integratie, gerealiseerd door samenwerking met Concept Factory.
From a dream to reality, we evolve from a basic website to a global platform, hosting thousands of florists, ensuring swift loading times and superior content, all manageable by the customer.
Creation of a one-of-a-kind app, unparalleled and unreplicable by any other milkman, featuring an award-winning built-in cow scanner.